BIG Aldermaston Blockade on 11th December

The government will publish its white paper on the future of Britain’s
> nuclear weapons on Monday 4 December 2006.
> We need to show that there is massive opposition to any new nuclear
> weapons. Block the Builders are calling a mass blockade of AWE Aldermaston

The government will publish its white paper on the future of Britain’s
> nuclear weapons on Monday 4 December 2006.
> We need to show that there is massive opposition to any new nuclear
> weapons. Block the Builders are calling a mass blockade of AWE Aldermaston
> on 11 December. People from as far away as Yorkshire and Merseyside are
> already indicating their intention to come to the Berkshire bomb factory.
> While there will be a three month period for “debate” after the
> publication of the White Paper, Tony Blair has also made it clear that, in
> the end, MPs will only get to vote on the government’s preferred option.
> Meanwhile building work at Aldermaston continues apace, making a mockery
> of the supposed “debate” as millions are being invested in new facilities.
> Right now, work on the Orion laser site – a key facility for the future of
> Britain’s WMD project – is well underway.
> On Monday 27 November 400 people descended on AWE Aldermaston to carry out
> a citizen’s weapons inspection organised by Greenpeace and Block the
> Builders (see for pix). Let’s
> build for a massive blockade on 11 December!
> If you care about Britain throwing billions at its weapons of mass
> destruction while people die on hospital trolleys, if you care about a
> lack of resources for tackling climate change, if you care about the money
> being spent on keeping troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, now is the time to
> get off your bum and come and show your opposition to how your money is
> being spent and Britain’s status as a WMD proliferator.
> What do we want? Genocidal weapons of mass destruction or real security?
> This may well be an arrestable action, but we also need supporters.
> If we fail to act now, there will be another 20+ years of Britain as WMD
> state.
> Details of the blockade can be found at:
> For ongoing updates and campaign alerts, join the tng list:
> For regular news, see:
> —
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