Safe Haven Pipeline Demo update & contact details


since thursday a group protesting about lack of safety regulations and public consultation have been blocking the laying of the pipeline right next to the LNG constryction site – they are digging in for the long haul!


since thursday a group protesting about lack of safety regulations and public consultation have been blocking the laying of the pipeline right next to the LNG constryction site – they are digging in for the long haul!

Thanks to Schnews newsletter I got down to the demo yesterday afternoon to find 3 OAPS huddled in a tent on the public footpath which runs right through the middle of the massive construction site of the new Milford Haven LNG terminal.

The weather was appalling and they have already roughed it for one night. As soon as they had pitched camp on thursday hordes of cops and officials surrounded them with every manner of arc lights, generators, fenceposts, barbed wire and then packed up and went off to leave the site deserted for the weekend.

The owerwhelming presence of machinery and earthworks seems to blot out the existence of the Safe Haven protest group who are campaigning to have the official Risk Assessment report released for public consultation – apart from the actual pipeline there are grave concerns over the safety of the re-gassification plant. Previous accidents with this kind of technology have been known to produce fireballs of 27 square Km.

They have been trying to raise awareness of the issues ever since the virtaully non-existent public consultation for the Planning of this vast and unnecessary white elephant – which just turns out to be another pet project for the money-spinning Carlyle group [Bush and Saudi Patronage].

They are currently on a public footpath so there may be a struggle to evict them – basically they want to get the Safety report into the public arena and believe that if the facts are known they stand to gain considerable concessions even if the whole thing doesn’t get stopped completely.

Any support gratefully appreciated phone 07752 698489 for details


Anyone wishing to contact the camp at Tyn y Pant Farm in the Swansea Valley where protestors are occupying a length of pipe and have done since Sunday 12th November 2006 please telephone 07805 038725. The protest goes into it’s second week amidst amazing support from the people of the area who have had enough of being walked over by corporate business for the installation of a fossil fuel industrial sized pipeline to create a market for raped gas from foreign countries. Remember every time you turn on a gas flame or an electric light that it is not so that you can see or be warm but to enable someone, somewhere, probably not in your country, to make a profit.
We ask all those who come into contact with the fencing surrounding this pipeline to please tie a piece of green cloth or ribbon to the fence. One piece for every tree that has been destroyed in the wake of the pipeline, one ribbon for every person that will live in fear of this massive pipeline under their feet for the next 30 years if it is not stopped and one ribbon for every unnecessary death from terrorism and its causes
Thank you for your support all those who have already shown it.